You, pe chesta generation parla tu and tell me exactly where I got to stay. Speak american sulamente, sulamente today. You, si nun m’ ‘o ddice i’ nun ‘o ffaccio cchiù and tell me exactly what I got to stay today. |
You, per questa generation parla tu and tell me exactly where I got to stay. Speak american solamente, solamente today. You, se non me lo dici io non lo faccio più and tell me exactly what I got to stay today. |
E quanno passa chistu ferry-boat ca luntano ce porta e nun ce fa penzà. Primma c’arriva cchiù forte ‘sta botta quaccheduno c’ha dda purtà. |
E quando passa questo ferry-boat che lontano ci porta e nun ci fa penzare. Prima che arrivi più forte questa botta qualcuno ci deve portare. |
It’s a new world and the music from the radio makes you think another world. And the music from the video makes you dream another world, but the same thing is going around. It’s a new world and the music from the radio makes you think another world. And the music from the video makes you dream another world, but the same thing is going around. |
It’s a new world and the music from the radio makes you think another world. And the music from the video makes you dream another world, but the same thing is going around. It’s a new world and the music from the radio makes you think another world. And the music from the video makes you dream another world, but the same thing is going around. |
Famme capì, famme capì. |
Fammi capire, fammi capire. |
You, si vaco ‘nterra i’ nun me soso cchiù e guardo annanze senza me fermà. Speak American sulamente pe pazzià. |
You, se cado io non mi rialzo più e guardo avanti senza fermarmi. Speak American solamente per scherzo. |
E quanno passa chistu ferry-boat …………………………… |
E quando passa questo ferry-boat …………………………… |
It’s a new world ………………… |
It’s a new world ………………… |
Famme capì, famme capì. |
Fammi capire, fammi capire. |
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